The Spore-t of Kings

Man… my post titles are getting lamer and lamer. I really had to dig for that one. I’m going to blame having to be up at 4am to take my girlfriend’s mom to the airport. Guh. It’s far too early and I have had far too few Monsters to be walking and talking, let alone blogging but hey, we all can’t be morning people now can we.

I will say that getting up at 4 did make me somewhat nostalgic for the late nights that I haven’t had in quite some time. Perhaps it was also the time of year. There was that crisp sharpness to the air that autumn always brings and that I love so much and the peace and quiet was exquisitely enjoyable. To make the morning perfect, there was a full (or nearly full) moon with a haze around it that made the whole sky glow and that alone was reason enough to be up that early.  Joy!

Now I’m home alone, the girlfiend girlfriend has gone to work and the kidlet is at the day home, the house is clean and all my chores are done save making lunch. I have a couple of hours to waste and I shall be spending them here online. No, I’m not going to be playing WoW for once. This morning we’re going to be delving into the tide pools of a planet I have named Raxacoricofallapatorius (Are you a Doctor Who nerd too? Good. I won’t have to kill you then.) and a little amoeba I have named Slitheen. Hooray for the glory that is Spore… okay perhaps a game where 80% of the creatures made to date are ambulatory phalloi made by twelve year olds isn’t all that glorious but the fact that you can make anything you want is quite brilliant.

I’ve not played past the Tide Pool phase yet. I’m still having fun fiddling with the creature widgets and deciding if my amoeba is going to be carnivorous or herbivorous (or possibly omnivorous if I can find the upgrade) and I am really looking forward to all the other stages too. If I have anything decent, I’ll post some screenshots, and perhaps I’ll even get around to posting those photos of our place.

However, this is more than enough babble to keep you all enthralled with the wonder that is my life and the more I type here, the less time I have to play. I say good day sir. Good Day.