Tidying up

Alright. I think I’ve finally settled on a simple theme I can work with. If you’ve stumbled here in the past few days you may have seen a couple of different iterations. I wasn’t wholly satisfied with them and they weren’t clean and minimalistic enough for me while still being somewhat aesthetically pleasing.

I think this one will work for the time being. I’m sure if/when I start posting more frequently I will look at other options, but for now I’m satisfied.

Now I shall go back to fiddling with the upcoming script of my group’s latest adventure. It should be fun. Thankfully I found a couple of new tools to make my GMing life so much easier. I’ve been using Scapple to storyboard the adventure. It suits my free-form, semi-sandbox style of GMing with it’s flowcharts, interchangeability and simple ease of use.