Today, at approximately 18:30 Greenwich Mean Time, I turn 32. I don’t feel 32. Heck. I dunno, it doesn’t even really feel like my birthday today at all. Don’t get me wrong, I know it is and I’m happy for that fact, It is just that it’s the end of November and I’m so used to having snow and sub-zero temperatures by now that the lack thereof is throwing my internal seasonal clock all out of whack. Here I am with the temperature hovering around 18 degrees and the weather feeling (to me at least) like what I’d expect in late September or early October. I feel like I should be gearing up for Thanksgiving and, subsequently, Halloween. Instead I’m sitting like a deer in the headlights while the 18 wheeler that is the Christmas retail season barrels head-long towards me. (As an aside, I’ve got a rant brewing on that subject but I’m going to save it for another day.)

At this rate, it’ll probably be February before I am ready for Christmas so if you don’t get anything from me, you’ll know why… or at least now I can use this as an excuse to not get people gifts 😛

Anyways. Enough melancholy bullshit from me for now. I’m off to amuse myself for the rest of the day.