Some Bizarreness Here’s some more randomness th…

Some Bizarreness

Here’s some more randomness that I discovered last night during my nocturnal wanderings.

First up. I bring you Bad Subtitles and The Bride of Bad Subtitles. Which are actual stills from some foreign bootleg translations of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, respectively.

Enjoy. Some of them are really bent.

Next up… Death By Pressure Differential which is just a horrible way to go… even if you are a crab.

And finally…

Remember the Simpsons episode where Homer found the box of dishwasher soap that appeared to have his head as its logo? Remember just how bizarre the Mr. Sparkle commercial was? Remember how you told yourself “Man, that was weird, but there’s no way that the real Japanese advertising industry would ever produce something that nonsensical?”

You were wrong.

These links were faithfully brought to you through world-spanning underground tunnels by the Gnomes of Zurich and the Møøse Illuminati.

To Sleep… Perchance To Dream Right… I’m off…

To Sleep… Perchance To Dream

Right… I’m off to bed. My eyes are finally starting to glaze over. I didn’t get done half of what I had planned to do tonight due to the fact that I apparently threw out a bunch of semi-important papers a few weeks ago that were filled with notes for my D&D campaign. Of course this was what I was planning on doing tonight. So instead of furthering the project, I had to start over again.

Note to Self – CLEANING = BAD!

Oddly though, I still have about half of the notes that weren’t thrown out, so maybe, just maybe, I’ve stuffed them somewhere and can’t recall where and they’ll turn up when I least expect it.

Anyways… my productivity is flagging as the bed is finally summoning me. Hopefully I’ll be back before noon and will still have enough of a creative spark to recreate/finish what I started tonight.

G’nite, G’morning or what G’ever.

Pop Quiz, Hotshots… There’s a bomb on a bus…..

Pop Quiz, Hotshots…

There’s a bomb on a bus….. wait maybe it’s a bus on a bomb. Or was it a movie with Keanu Reeves that bombed? Arrrgh!!! I can’t remember. Anyways, Just don’t go out today. It could get ugly.

These and other weird thoughts brought to you by the wonders of insomnia. Don’tcha just love going to bed and staring at the ceiling for 4 hours while trying vainly to sleep before finally deciding that you might as well get up and do something productive with yourself. Me too. Glad that never happens to me. <Insert sarcastic overtone here>

Anyways, here is something I found in my search for productivity.

Who said this:

“As we go forward, let us always remember that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let us also remember that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”

A) George W. Bush

B) Osama Bin Laden

C) Saddam Hussein

D) Avril Lavigne

E) Adoph Hitler

Answer tomorrow. (Tomorrow being relative to the time when I actually fall asleep)

The Two Towers Redux Okay, so I finally got off…

The Two Towers Redux

Okay, so I finally got off my butt and went and saw The Two Towers again this weekend. I needed to see it again to decide whether the annoyance I found in watching it the first time was due to it being on an Imax screen, or that it was in fact the movie itself.

I believe now that it was more of the former than the latter. I still have problems with the departures Peter Jackson took from the written work, but they became slightly less of a problem while I sat and watched a battle scene that I could actually focus on instead of the original monstrosity of blurriness.

It was fun, not as fun as the first one as it didn’t quite live up to my expectations, but still enjoyable nonetheless. And while I’m looking forward to the 3rd installment, I’m a little trepedacious about it because I know now that Jackson has few qualms about making gross departures from the written work and I worry about what else he will change or omit in light of the events he changed in the 2nd one.

Anyways…. back to reality for a bit.

The Show Must Go On… I don’t really have much…

The Show Must Go On…

I don’t really have much to say about the space shuttle explosion, so instead I’m going to quote someone’s words that I did find appropriate.

There’s no such thing as “routine” in space. The Columbia was only a few minutes from landing when . . . what? Maybe we’ll never be sure. Frontiers are dangerous.

The heroes on Columbia knew the dangers and were proud to accept them. The team that built and launched the shuttle, no less heroes, did their best — more than their best. We could build a better shuttle if we started from scratch today, and perhaps we should. But what we must not do is get bogged down in hand-wringing, finger-pointing, and blame-shifting.

We must continue toward space. Not because heroes died. Merely in spite of it. No frontier was ever explored without risk, and to insist that all possible risk be avoided is the same as saying “Give up and stay home.” And we absolutely must not give in to those who will seize upon this tragedy as an excuse to further gut our space program. The future is out there. Resources, knowledge, a home for humanity other than this one fragile planet . . . we must reach space, while we still can.

We lost seven heroes yesterday. Mourn them, but honor their dream. Close ranks and go on.

— Steve Jackson