Well, I’m back from my honeymoon. I apparently sur…

Well, I’m back from my honeymoon. I apparently survived the wedding and the subsequent trip to Maui. I had a great time and things went off without too many problems… unfortunately like all good things in the world, I remember only little snapshots here and there. I keep finding that I’m unable to remember the events of the whole day all at once. It’s like my mind will only let me view snippets of the event to protect me from the vast scope of everything that was happenning around me. I focus on one thing and everything else blurs out. It is a strange way to feel but for some reason I don’t mind. It feels right. Like each little snippet or snapshot is brought into clearer focus because of the lack of distracting background noise.

Oh well, I guess that is the nature of the beast. Maybe one day humanity will have the capability to comprehend events in a larger scope but for now we’ll all just have to deal with living in a snapshot reality.
