Thread Necromancy!

Well hello there world. It’s been a long time and here I am back again with yet another attempt to focus the swirling thoughts inside my head. I still don’t have enough time in the day to really give this site the attention that I want but I’m going to try a more minimalist approach and see where it takes me.

I still have a lot of great plans for the site, but the lack of updates, and backlog of things I wanted to do or had planned on trying was a monkey on my back for so long that it just became almost insurmountable. Even my attempt at a theme change last year sat there untouched because it was just too much.

So with that in mind, I’ve stripped back the theme to something more basic (but still somewhat palatable) and  I’m going to narrow the focus of the blog to three things and keep it simple.

First up. My friends and I are playing an Edge of the Empire Star wars campaign. While I’m going to keep the bulk of the campaign information contained over on it’s page on Obsidian Portal, I may reference it here from time to time.

I also have my standard fantasy campaign world, ‘The Realm of Tarsere’, but as it’s currently on hiatus the only thing that I plan on doing is to use the source material to build a series of stories I’ve been writing. I may even share them here.

Lastly, thanks in part to my daughters, I’ve rediscovered the joy of painting miniatures and am now trying to recover my painting skills to at least a shadow of their former glory. Progress is slow but I’m having fun, which is all that matters. While I doubt I’ll ever do a stream of me painting, I will probably post a few pics of works in progress and finished works.

I’m sure I’ve removed some functionality when I switched the theme but at this point I’m okay with it. I’ll address the broken links if and when I need them. In the meantime. Enjoy your stay.

The Future Is Now

So I’m sitting here at 2:33 in the morning because, like always when I should be sleeping, my brain is in idea overdrive. I’ve written about 2 or 3 pages worth of words for my book (an action scene that takes place later in the sequence and some rough ideas of how things might play out) and while the ideas are still flowing, I’m starting to lose focus and get distracted. I think I’ll call it a night and see if I can get some sleep before work in the morning.

Before I go, I will leave you with this idea that I’ve been toying around in my overactive imagination for the past day or so. If there was one science fiction franchise (TV series, Movie, Novel, RPG, Video Game, etc) that you would like to be real, what would it be?

[poll id=”16″]

The Written Word!

Ahh spare time, oh how I miss you!

If you’ve been paying attention at all to my blog you’ll have noticed that the little widget down at the bottom left that is supposed to show images for all the books I’ve read/am reading/etc. hasn’t changed much in the past … 6-8 months. I’m sad to say that I have not read a book for about 2 months. I feel somewhat dirty and shamefaced for admitting this. I just haven’t had the time.

The widget is more than a little out of date however and a pain in the arse to update so I’m just going to say…. Scott Lynch’s Gentlemen Bastards Saga is good. I highly recommend the first book, The Lies of Locke Lamora, and while the 2nd book, Red Seas Under Red Skies, wasn’t quite as good in my opinion, it still was a damn fine read.

I’ve got a couple of books on the go at the moment. By on the go or “reading”, I mean that I have opened the book and scanned more than the first couple of pages but not much more than that. I’ve got A Madness of Angels going but I haven’t drawn any conclusions about it yet. I’ve started Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself but it really hasn’t appealed all that much to me. There’s just something about it that seems stilted or flat. I might give it another read at some point. I also started on Gail Z. Martin’s The Summoner just cause the cover looks cool (yeah I’m a cover whore) but again, I’m not far enough into it to make any comments.

I had other books that I was going to comment on but I just looked at the clock… WTF I swear I just got home from work 10 minutes ago, not 3 hrs ago. Gah. Anyways, This is  my attempt to return to a semi-regular posting schedule. I shall post more later.

In other random news. The trailers for Legion and I Shall Sell The Dead look good. Watch them.

A Saturday Night @ Elrond’s Place

Why hello again intarwebs. I see we’re still on speaking terms. How the hell are you?

Okay… Obviously I haven’t posted in awhile. Haven’t really had much to say. The baby is still gestating (we’re somewhere near the 18 week mark now) and all is right in the world.

So rather than bore you all with the mundanity of my life I have decided to waste your time with this amusing little gem of a gif that I found online.


Saturday Night @ Elrond's Place


Avast ye scurvy dogs and barnacle lovin’ sea-rats. You should be knowin’ what today be by now. T’happens every time the wind blows September 19th our way. Aye, tis once again time to be sailin the seven seas of mediocrity and cursin’ those thrice damned land lubbers who’ve been searchin for me buried treasure. Tis once again, Talk Like A Pirate Day. Now buck up me hearties, or I’ll be sendin’ ye down ta meet Oul Davy himself.

— We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming… or in my case, I’m going back to playing spore. —

Who Watches The Watchmen?

Wooo! Watchmen Trailer

I’m moderately enthused to see this. I’ll be honest and say that I’m a little nervous about the look of the movie. I fear that it will be yet another butchering of Moore’s work but from what I can see there, it looks very faithful to the original and that querrelous auld git named Alan Moore will like it despite himself.

At first glance however it seems a little too glossy and shiny. In my mind’s eye, the Watchmen world was far darker and grittier but we’ll just have to wait and see. Casting, well I’m going to leave that one alone. Many people far, far nerdier than me have already spent hours in their batcaves and “command centers” designing the perfect dream cast of this movie and while I’ve dabbled here and there and have my opinions (*cough* Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Manhattan *cough*), I’m going to go in with an open mind and see how it works.

Speaking of comic adaptations. No, I still haven’t seen Dark Knight yet but I did see Hellboy II. It was a fun romp through cheesetastic cinema and funky creature designs from del Toro’s head. Personally I enjoyed it. It’s nothing immensely serious and overall I think I preferred the first one but this one is fun too.

Alright. Off to the land of showers and breakfasts I go.